The first presentation was by Kevin Tuck, Managing Director of Alltech Ireland. Kevin is a very competent and experienced presenter and he certainly has a wealth of knowledge to draw on with such a successful and world-wide Irish company, Alltech founded by the late Dr. Pearse Lyons.
Sandrine Pigat, Head of Food & Nutrition at Crème Global kept our interest with a number of relevant slides which always helps with the technical and scientific aspects of a presentation. Crème Global is another Irish success story though on a smaller scale (for the moment) than our other two companies.
Finally we had the amiable Mark McCloskey of the renowned Boyne Valley Group. Mark gave us a brief outline of the well-known brands and products associated with Boyne Valley over the years. Founded by his entrepreneurial father, Malachy McCloskey the Boyne Valley Group is another great Irish success story. On a personal level Mark has a passion for motorbikes and he shared with us some amazing races in Belgium. It definitely is a very skilled hobby and suits a business brain with determination and purpose to make the best of it.
Our three presenters did their companies proud and whereas the subjects were diverse they were all interesting and informative. We always know an event is successful when it holds the interest of those present. We even had to ask the kitchen to push out the food as no one noticed the time slipping by.
Our sincere thanks to everyone for giving us their time which is very much appreciated in a world full of demands.